Red Sparowes – 2007-03-19
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007I’ve been looking forward to seeing Red Sparowes for many months. On Monday night I finally got that chance and it was worth the price of admission. These guys put on an amazing show and I recommend seeing them.
I got a soundboard feed that wasn’t total shit so I ended up using it. There are some trade-offs to this because while it does give the instruments a cleaner sound and brought out the drums tremendously, it also picked up some of the effects the band’s soundguy was doing to the instruments on the fly. You couldn’t really hear these effects as well in the audiences but they’re very pronounced in the board feed. They sort of sound like glitches but they’re not. I watched the soundguy too… he was turning knobs like crazy at certain parts of the music.
I also taped William Elliott Whitmore and Saviours. I’ll probably put up the WEW set later tonight since I know there are some fans of his out there. I can put up Saviours too if there is any interest.
Red Sparowes – 2007-03-19 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: rs2007-03-19sample.mp3
Saviours – 2007-03-19 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: saviours2007-03-19sample.mp3
William Elliott Whitmore- 2007-03-19 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: wewhitmore2007-03-19sample.mp3