This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-05

August 6th, 2006

Third night in a row seeing these guys and I still haven’t tired of their live performance. I finally got to see them play at an actual venue with a PA and soundsystem, which was nice. Because the venue had the proper amenities, they were able to play some of their other songs that use keyboards and drum machine beats. For tonight, they brought out “Quiet” and “Grandfather Clock” but couldn’t close with “There Are Some Remedies…” because someone stole Chris’ pedal steel the night before (or it was just misplaced, either way, he can’t find it right now).

I tried to get a soundboard feed but it didn’t quite pan out because of complications with the venue’s mixing board. I did, however, run two video cameras. I set up one on the far left side of the stage on a tripod and the other on the right side of the stage on a pocket tripod. I’ve never authored a multi-cam DVD before but I’m willing to try. Here are two sample screenshots: Screenshot One, Screenshot Two.

I also recorded audio/video for Sparrows Swarm And Sing (who played an amazing set as well). I think I’ll take some time with these to make the end-product really nice. I’m talkin’ full-motion menus and all that jazz. I know I can do it.

I’m sad to see all of these guys leave town. All of them, both the bands, were super nice guys and they all make such beautiful music. Chris tells me that TWDY might tour Alaska next Spring or Summer (which is where my parents live). If that happens, I will make damn sure I can be up there for some of those shows. I don’t know how but I will.

Sparrows Swarm And Sing – 2006-08-05 The Theatre – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: sss2006-08-05sample.mp3

This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-05 The Paradox – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: twdy2006-08-05sample.mp3

7 Responses to “This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-05”

  1. Caleb Says:

    Wonderful! I can’t wait to listen. I’ve liatening to the other shows over and over. I love your stuff. Keep at it!

  2. zeus163 Says:


    Oasisdouglas and I drove by around 9:35 hoping to hit these guys before Tullycraft at 11. When I got out of the car to check the set times, This Will Destroy You was already over (onstage at 8:45 according to the venue). Sorry we missed this as we were ready to help film with you.

    Thanks for taking the time to put these up. We still have your cable. Let us know when you need it or send me an email with your addy and I’ll mail it to you.

  3. steve Says:

    So I was very pleased to have met you, I have tried to explain the twdy/sparrows 8-4 gig to at least 10 people now and they are just like..uh..ok, cool ? the music was superior was it not ….the people there (all ) band members/fans/help included were FOR REAL , it was ALL about the music 100% and I have never experienced this ever before.
    When they literally squeezed us in and latched those barn hasps on those rickety old dirty-carpeted wooden doors…. It was on.
    Anything you need from me, what little I have or can do , just ask its yours!

    Steve aka (wink)

    thanks also JC : )

  4. estress Says:

    hey man, thanks for taping & sharing these sets! i’m in paris, france, so i’ll probably never get the chance to see either of these bands live any time soon. i’d never heard of these 2 before but they’re really good.

    i’m lazy (shy?) when it comes to commenting but i downloaded a bunch of shows from your site (including several from bands i didn’t even know, just out of curiosity & because i liked other bands you’d taped) and the sound quality is always amazing… so, i guess i just wanted to say thank you for doing this (taping AND sharing in lossless) & keep it up!

  5. Brian Says:

    Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate all of your sentiments and thoughts.

    zeus & Doug: If you want to mail the cable to me, that’ll work (email me for address). If not, I can get it when I see you at some other show. No rush. Thanks for trying to help tape, though. I appreciate the thought.

    Steve: I totally agree with you. That show at Camp Nowhere was amazing and awesome.

    estress: Thanks a lot. Don’t worry about commenting on every show you download, it’s not a big deal. Just download and listen. That’s why I put the shows up.

  6. Aaron Says:

    Hey, thanks for lettings us know about these 2 bands. I’m listing to twdy now and really liking what i hear. if i hadn’t been in the middle of a move, i would have helped you out with the whole vancouver wa thing. i live a couple of miles from the first address you listed. bummer i didn’t know about it beforehand!

  7. Matthew Callis Says:

    Both of these bands from both sets were awesome. I have all the SSS releases, but I couldn’t identify any of the tracks they played back to them. I hadn’t payed much attention to TWDY, but I quite enjoyed it. Thanks!

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