This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-04

August 5th, 2006

I have an addictive personality, so of course I’ll go see a band I love two nights in a row. It doesn’t even matter that they played the same setlist both nights (due to technological constraints of the “venues”… I use hilarious quote marks to denote the fact that these are not venues, they are tiny, tiny rooms). Tomorrow night at The Paradox they’ll play some different songs that use the drum machine beats. They just need a proper PA and a DI box to kick out the jams (and the drummer needs monitors so he can hear what the hell is going on).

This Will Destroy You played at a community house in the University District called Camp Nowhere. It’s actually very close to where The Punkin House once was and very similar in nature. The way the performance space works is that there are two large barn doors that you enter through to see the show. Once the space is full of people, they close the doors and spray you with delousing powder to prepare you for cremation. Ok I made that last part up. But seriously, they close the doors behind you and you can’t really leave until the set is over. The room is no bigger than the room TWDY played at in Vancouver but it sounds different because instead of being made of wood, the walls are painted cinder blocks.

Basically, this set sounds pretty much identical to the previous night’s set with some subtle nuance between the two. If you’re a huge fan of the band then go for it and download this one, but you’re not missing much if you already listened to the Vancouver recording.

This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-04 Camp Nowhere – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: twdy2006-08-04sample.mp3

2 Responses to “This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-04”

  1. skim Says:

    don’t worry you’re not alone. when i went to japan to see mono/weg, i was going to see them three times. i actually almost saw them twice, but they play shows very early in japan and missed it entirely. but i met up with mono’s drummer and he gave me a t-shirt. awesome guy.

    anyway, great recordings. i really wish i saw them here :(

  2. Brian Says:

    They’re touring again next summer. I think they all graduate from college next year so they’ll have more time to tour. They’re doing nationwide next time.

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