Liars – 2006-06-10

June 11th, 2006

What a great band these guys are. They played with full energy for 70 minutes straight and never missed a beat. All around, a very fun show as I pulled a pretty good stealth tape and I saw a bunch of old friends from various places.

Yeah, I guess I don’t have much to say other than, here you go:

Liars – 2006-06-10 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: liars2006-06-10sample.mp3

6 Responses to “Liars – 2006-06-10”

  1. ilduclo Says:

    Brian—I got the wow Hall show, if you want a copy, let me know——–

  2. Joseph Says:

    I got a request, big guy! Is there any way you could tape the Wires on Fire / Riverboat Gamblers /The Bronx show on 6.27.06 at the Crocodile Cafe? I’m dying for a Bronx set! RG are also a fairly good live band.

  3. Brian Says:

    iludclo: Cool, yeah. I’ll send you an email soon.

    Joseph: Depends. The sound guy at the Croc is a stickler for tapers to get permission from all of the performing bands if you’re going to record. So I’d need to get expressed written permission from all of the bands in order to do that.

  4. billy Says:

    hey, i recorded rabbits (which were pretty terrible) and apes (which blew me away) if you want those.

  5. Brian Says:

    Sure, send me an email at I’d like that Apes recording.

  6. ilduclo Says:

    I got the Apes as well at the Wow Hall, and agree with Billy’s assessment of them, they were very cool and deserve wider attention.

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