Archive for the 'Main' Category

Paul Simon Vampire Weekend – 2008-03-26

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

I truly am the king of wit and original comedy.

No but seriously, these guys are good and I like them a lot. That’s why I took the time to purchase tickets (Ten bucks? Bitch, please) and go to the show. I even took the time to stand perfectly still so I could get a good recording.

I had to stealth this one because I messaged them on Myspace about recording the show and they never got back to me. So I got back to them. By recording it like a motha. I figure they’re cool with it. They seem like the kinda guys who, if they stumbled upon this site, would be all “Hey this guy is cool. We’re cool with this.” And then we’d high five each other and drink some Rainier tallboys while we talk about our favorite episodes of the popular late-eighties comedy Perfect Strangers (mine is the one where Larry and Balki go into business making pastries that, ultimately, explode in their faces due to an oversight in the recipe that requires a song to be sung while creating the confections).

The recording turned out fairly decent since the crowd was fairly well behaved (save for the loud drunkie who kept talking about how she’s going on vacation tomorrow… multiple times).

Vampire Weekend – 2008-03-26 Neumo’s – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: vw2008-03-26sample.mp3

Thoughts (2008-03-25)

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008
  • Go see Justice if you can. Good show. #

Live DVD: This is a Process of a Still Life

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Got this done fairly quickly. No chapter points or menus. Just the facts. The facts of instrumental music hitting you in the dome.

Update: Now streamable on my site and downloadable as a 720p MP4.

This is a Process of a Still Life @ The Comet Tavern

SD FLV (275 MB): process2008-03-19.flv
HD MP4 (1.6 GB): process2008-03-19.mp4

Thoughts (2008-03-22)

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

This is a Process of a Still Life 2008-03-19

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

By chance as I was bouncing around myspace listening to bands, I noticed that This is a Process of a Still Life recently relocated to Seattle from Missoula, Montana and that they were playing a show on Wednesday night. Imagine my excitement. Just imagine it. It’s palpable isn’t it?

They played with two other bands from Los Angeles. First band was a sort of a prog rock outfit called Charts and Maps (Not to be confused with Maps & Atlases who are a similar sounding group). After they played a band called Danger Bees did their thing on stage which was an even more proggy rock with hints of psychedelic saxophone at times.

As the final act of the night, This is a Process… played a blisteringly loud and awesome half-hour set with a new song to close it out. They’re definitely heading in a heavier direction with more riffage going on. I’m really excited that they live in Seattle now so I can see (and tape) them again and again.

Also: I didn’t get a soundboard feed for This is a Process… because for some reason the outputs sending the signal to my JB3 got turned off. So the first two bands are matrices and the final set is just an AUD source.

Charts and Maps – 2008-03-19 The Comet Tavern – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: cm2008-03-19sample.mp3

Danger Bees – 2008-03-19 The Comet Tavern – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: db2008-03-19sample.mp3

This is a Process… – 2008-03-19 The Comet Tavern – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: process2008-03-19sample.mp3

Thoughts (2008-03-19)

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Thoughts (2008-03-18)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Thoughts (2008-03-14)

Friday, March 14th, 2008
  • Hey I didn’t get into grad school. I’m a failure! #

You.May.Die.In.The.Desert, Bronze Fawn – 2008-03-13

Friday, March 14th, 2008

Last night was You.May.Die.In.The.Desert’s CD release show for the split they just put out with Gifts From Enola. I like the shows these guys play because they always bring in at least one band that I love and they’re always very appreciative of everybody coming out and supporting them. There really is something to be said for humility and approachability among artists and these guys have both in spades.

I missed the first act, Panther Attack, but I’m told that they’re pretty killer. I’ll have to make it a point to see them soon. I showed up to The High Dive right when Bronze Fawn was about to start rocking all kinds of faces into oblivion and I got set up in time to tape them. I was going to record video too but it’s really hard to do that at a bar full of drunkies when you have no one to help you out. Thankfully, the simple audience recording I got turned out really good. I don’t know why the sound system at The High Dive sounds so good but it sure does. Whodathunk a bar could impart such clear acoustics?

But onto the actual music: Bronze Fawn. These guys are so amazing and talented. I saw them a few months ago when they got a chance to open for Battles (wasn’t taping, though) and immediately bought their album. They craft very catchy yet confrontational instrumental music that I’d go so far as to call “toe tapping”. They’re definitely not the usual humdrum loud-quiet-loud, tremolo-picking post-rock that a lot of people are sick of.

After Bronze Fawn played, a band from Portland called Colt Vista took the stage. Their set was a lot slower and more “spaced out” than Bronze Fawns and I think the crowd reaction was indicative of this change. Even though the crowd thinned out by the end of their set, I enjoyed a few of their songs. Especially the last song they busted out. If they wrote more songs like that then they’d be on their way. I talked to the drummer after the show and he informed me that it’s only the third show they’ve played so I’m sure they’ll be improving as they go along.

You.May.Die.In.The.Desert took the stage well after midnight but people still hung around to see them display their own brand of jazzy instrumental music. They’re so full of energy when they play and they really look like they’re having a good damn time while they do it. The new songs from the new CD are a lot tighter and more coherent than the songs from their previous EP. I really dig the direction they’re heading in with this new material; especially the last song they played… it’s really something to behold. Dig it.

Bronze Fawn – 2008-03-13 The High Dive – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample bf2008-03-13sample.mp3

Colt Vista – 2008-03-13 The High Dive – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: cv2008-03-13sample.mp3

You.May.Die.In.The.Desert – 2008-03-13 The High Dive – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: ymditd2008-03-13sample.mp3

Thoughts (2008-02-28)

Thursday, February 28th, 2008
  • I screwed up my MSTRKRFT recording so it does not exist. My bad. #