Soon I’ll be uploading video performances from Partman Parthorse and El Ten Eleven along with an audio recording of Sleepy Eyes of Death at The Sunset Tavern from Saturday evening. I might post video of that show but it depends on what the band thinks of the footage. Maybe I’ll post a few choice songs if any real gems come out of it.
I’ve been busy updating my older content in order to make it more accessible to the mass public. That includes rendering streaming FLV versions of past live videos which takes a ridiculous amount of time given my limited resources. Bearing that in mind, stick with me as I trudge along.
The sets that I have updated so far are:
Explosions in the Sky 2007-05-06 Neumo’s
65daysofstatic 2007-08-06 El Corazon
This is a Process… 2008-03-19 The Comet Tavern
This Will Destroy You – 2006-08-04/05 – Camp Nowhere, The Paradox
Upcoming (old) content includes: The Fall of Troy, Tera Melos, Caspian, You.May.Die.In.The.Desert, The Books, and The Tyde.
Keeping in the spirit of updating older content, I’ve created some DVD covers for some past shows. Here is a cover for the El Ten Eleven show at The Sunset Tavern last summer:

And here is a cover for the two shows I filmed of This Will Destroy you way back in the summer of 2006:

The torrents for the This Will Destroy You DVDs are long since dead but the updated posts I linked earlier have DVD quality MP4 files that are available for download. If nothing else, you can print off the DVD cover and burn those MP4s to a data disc. Or, if you’re feeling productive you could transcode the MP4 to DVD. Basically what I’m saying is: I don’t publish DVDs anymore.