Caspian, You.May.Die.In.The.Desert – 2006-10-15

October 16th, 2006

What a great night for instrumental rock. I mean, how often do you get to see three amazing instrumental bands all play in one night? Last night at The Nectar Lounge in Fremont, Caspian, You.May.Die.In.The.Desert and Joy Wants Eternity all played to a crowd of about 30 people and everyone who was there really wanted to be there. It wasn’t like there were people at the bar who didn’t really care about the music… everyone there really wanted to hear these bands play and they were ready to pay attention.

Actually, Caspian wasn’t officially on this bill. They had a lot of trouble booking a venue in Seattle and had even taken the date off of their myspace tourdates because there wasn’t anywhere for them to play. I’m very thankful that You.May.Die.In.The.Desert let them play the show because Caspian puts on a really really awesome show. The new songs are epic and amazing. I’m so excited for the album to drop in February.

The guys in Caspian were so nice too. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to have a member of a band ask me “Can we put this recording on The Archive?” That he even knew about made me smile and that he wanted the recording to go on the site made me grin even more. How awesome is that?

You.May.Die.In.The.Desert impressed the hell out of me too. I think they are a perfect example of how different instrumental rock can sound when you really try to break out of the box. All three of these guys are amazingly good at their instruments and they use those skills to craft Don Caballero-esque songs that sound like you’re hearing them in that transitory state between waking and sleeping. I fully expect these guys to blow up the scene and get the recognition (and record contract) they deserve.

Caspian – 2006-10-15 Nectar Lounge – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: caspian2006-10-15sample.mp3

You.May.Die.In.The.Desert – 2006-10-15 Nectar Lounge – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: ymditd2006-10-15sample.mp3

Joy Wants Eternity – 2006-10-15 Nectar Lounge – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: jwe2006-10-15sample.mp3

11 Responses to “Caspian, You.May.Die.In.The.Desert – 2006-10-15”

  1. skim Says:

    Thanks for the recordings! I love being exposed to more instrumental goodness. Looks like Caspian is playing this weekend. :)

  2. estress Says:

    WOW! More great recordings of cool bands that will probably never come play here in paris… I’m really enjoying the You.May.Die.In.The.Desert set.
    Thanks man.

  3. steve Says:

    awwwwesome!!! thanks for the recordings!

    fyi – any socal folks should come out this friday and saturday night in goleta and LA to see caspian with my band beware of safety. we’re also playing with constants from boston on friday. should be a skull-crushing couple of shows. heh heh..


  4. Jordan Says:

    Awesome work dude, it’s great to see someone getting this out there to people (especially those who aren’t in the US and can’t experience it themselves)!

  5. Brandon Says:

    Just to let you know the 2nd song was Jazz that won’t ruin your deaf ears and the 3rd was In case I should Die…

  6. Brian Says:

    Thanks Brandon. Appreciate it.

  7. Saf Says:

    Thanx! Downloading now! ;)

  8. re:lapse Says:

    Caspian tracks identified:

    1) [intro]

    2a) new song [not titled yet, last I heard]
    2b) ASA [starts at 1:32]
    2c) Some Are White Light [starts at 7:34]

    3) Quovis

    4) Further Up

    5) Further In

    6) [Phil goes panhandling for a guitar :) ]

    7) Last Rites

    8) Brombie

    Killer set boys; happy travels, see you back on the NoSho in a couple of weeks…

  9. Brian Says:

    Hey thanks for that. Appreciate it.

  10. ciaran Says:

    Hey Brian, thanks for this. Can you remember what order the bands played in perchance?

  11. Brian Says:

    They played in the order they’re listed for download. Caspian, then YMDITD, then Joy Wants Eternity.

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