Ratatat, Panther, Envelopes – 2006-09-15
September 16th, 2006Imagine you’re in a room that’s about 95� F and you have two tasks.
The first task requires you to hold a 4 lb. telescope up to your face and keep it lined up with a square on the wall on the other side of the room. You’re required to keep the telescope steadily focused on the square 90% of the time.
The second task involves an 8′ tall aluminum pole that has about 5 lb. of weight at the top. The pole, which is taped to a half-wall using four pieces of gaffers tape, must remain upright. Due to the heat of the room, the adhesive on the tape is not working as well as it should. Also, about every three minutes, a person walks by the pole and uses it to balance himself. You’re required to keep the pole upright the entire time.
You have to maintain both of these objectives for an hour. This is what it’s like to run audio and video by yourself at a sold-out concert.
At tonight’s show I ran audio for all three bands and I did video for Panther and Ratatat. It’s a good thing I didn’t attempt video for Envelopes because a) I would have run out of tape and b) I would have run out of battery power.
All of the bands were great. Panther was great, Envelopes was a surprisingly good Swedish band, and Ratatat… well, they’re just face-meltingly good. It’s always neat to see a crowd go from bobbing their heads to completely losing their shit throughout a band’s set. By the time Ratatat busted out Seventeen Years for the encore, the entire place was jumping up and down. I think that was their goal.
I’ll post a link to the DVD torrent when I have it up later this week. I’m going to put Panther and Ratatat on the same disc since Panther’s set was only twenty minutes. I’ll probably end up putting them on Youtube as well if time permits.
Panther – 2006-09-15 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
Download: panther2006-09-15.akgc1000s.flac16.zip
MP3 Sample: panther2006-09-15sample.mp3
Envelopes – 2006-09-15 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
Download: envelopes2006-09-15.akgc1000s.flac16.zip
MP3 Sample: envelopes2006-09-15sample.mp3
Ratatat – 2006-09-15 El Corazon – Seattle, WA
Download: ratatat2006-09-15.akgc1000s.flac16.zip
MP3 Sample: ratatat2006-09-15sample.mp3
September 16th, 2006 at 12:15 PM
It’s great to see you’re still recording strong. I’ll be seeing Ratatat next Wednesday, but unfortunately won’t be able to record them. The venue is anally strict about audio recording.
On another note, I said I would give you Super Furry Animals, ages ago. My sound card died and haven’t repaired it until a week ago. I should have it to you soon, apologies…
September 16th, 2006 at 12:23 PM
No big deal. Tape what you can and just enjoy the tunes if you can’t. Ratatat is the kind of band that I kinda wish I hadn’t been taping; everyone was having such a good time.
So when you see them, forget about taping and just enjoy the face-melting music. They’re a really fun band.
And you can just send that SFA set whenever… no rush man.
September 17th, 2006 at 10:58 AM
Very good Brian. Sounds great.
September 21st, 2006 at 6:02 PM
thank you so much for this!
i just interviewed/hung out with envelopes last night, and it was amazing amazing amazing.
i love them.
this will make me miss them more.
September 23rd, 2006 at 7:22 PM
um..the md5 file is empty..?
September 24th, 2006 at 12:32 AM
MD5 file works fine for me. Don’t know what the problem is on your end.
Here are the fingerprints though:
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b083430e635ac0411156ceaabdccf794 *ratatat2006-09-15d1t12.flac
e7d4614f2cd60c4d68d1dc7d96fb3edd *ratatat2006-09-15d1t13.flac
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September 27th, 2006 at 10:42 PM
awsome. thanks.
June 10th, 2007 at 8:41 PM
i just found your blog via google. i don’t know what to say…you’re a godsend! PLEASE keep up the good work! :-) :-) :-) i know i’m not alone when i say i appreciate it!
May 21st, 2009 at 11:32 AM
hey is there anyway i can send you blanks and return postage for the ratatat dvds you have? there are no seeds on the traders den. thank you for the audio!!!!!
i have 2 other ratatat shows if youd like be to upload them for you