The Six Parts Seven, Fleet Foxes – 2006-05-21
Monday, May 22nd, 2006Started that job last week and I already get into shows for free. Look at me bein’ Mr. Rockshow Tuff and swaggering into venues like I own the place.
It’s funny, though. Even though I work for the label that the headliner is on and the guy who owns the label (my boss) was at the show, I still got hassled by the venue’s sound guy for not having documented permission to tape. Admittedly, he was right… you shouldn’t assume that you can just tape whomever you please. In fact, I’ll quote him because even though he came off as hostile and a bit mean, I think what he said is probably the general consensus of venue staff in regards to the taping community (however true or untrue it might be):
I resent the attitude that tapers have. That they just walk into a venue with their gear and think it’s their right to tape, as if they have carte blanche over the situation.
After the show I apologized and told him that next time I tape at The Crocodile I’ll make sure I have documented permission (and if I don’t I guess I’ll just stealth it).
In any case, last night’s show was good. The opener, Tiny Vipers, was a little shaky and odd to watch. I’ve seen her play before but she seemed nervous or maybe she was just trying some new songs because her guitar playing was really hit and miss. Following her was another local act, The Fleet Foxes. Their sound reminds me of Crystal Skulls a good deal… they’re a decent group. The final opening act was The Can’t See, John Atkins’ new band. I’d seen them play just recently at Neumo’s and this performance was just as good if not better than the previous. Some really nice hooky pop coming from those guys.
The Six Parts Seven are one of my all-time favorite instrumental acts. I like that they make post-rock that doesn’t have to be confrontational and boisterous in order to be genuine. I think that too many post-rock groups try too hard to be the next Godspeed (or, more recently, Explosions In The Sky) without first seeing if there is something new or different they can try.
The Six Parts Seven – 2006-05-21 The Crocodile Cafe – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: sps2006-05-21sample.mp3
Fleet Foxes – 2006-05-21 The Crocodile Cafe – Seattle, WA
MP3 Sample: ff2006-05-21sample.mp3